Why Partner for Mutual Patient Care

Why Partner with Friedel Clinic for Mutual Patient Care?

Many doctors, therapists, and counselors entrust Friedel Clinic’s Certified Brain Health Professionals to help them get to the root cause of their patient’s symptoms. That’s because Friedel Clinic has the most comprehensive tools to help diagnose and treat patients who are treatment-resistant or who have comorbidity.

You spend countless hours supporting your clients and patients, and you want the best for them. You want to make sure they’re in the best hands when other care is needed. Your recommendation is your word, your bond, your reputation. We get it.

Our expertise, including deep clinical assessments, qEEG testing, Neurofeedback therapy and brain SPECT imaging, Neurotransmitter Lab Testing, uncovers the root cause of many unresolved issues in patients before coming to Friedel Clinic. Often, providers find that new information derived from our detailed evaluations uncover information about their patients that have completely changed the course of their treatment, including prescription medications, lifestyle recommendations, and therapies. We found that 79% of patients who came to Friedel Clinic left with a more comprehensive diagnosis and treatment plan than when they came in.

A Brain-based, scientific, and objective approach to someone’s Brain Health can help you and your patient-client through the “stuck times” and help you guide them to the solution. When your patient clients are placed on the proper treatment protocol, their outcomes will be significantly improved.

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If you’re frustrated with what seems to be a treatment resistance patient client, we know how you feel.

  • For years we’ve felt the same way…
  • We’ve always believed in using the most effective, least toxic treatments to help our patients get well.
  • We want the best for our patients, just like you do.
  • We believe it takes a team, communication, and collaboration.
  • If you feel the same, we want to partner with you.

We want to become part of your team.

Why partner with Friedel Clinic?

  • Our Brain Health Certified specialists can provide further insight into treatment-resistant cases
  • Our extensive diagnostic tools and experience will uncover root issues not yet discovered​
  • Our extended service offerings can be an extension of your practice offerings​